what i crave

First, i crave pasta. yum... walking out of Eat Pray Love, pasta is all I could think about.  yum yum yum with parmesan and big chunks of tomato.

Second, walking out of Eat Pray Love, I also rediscovered that James Franco is quite attractive...

as is James Dean...

...and Jess from Gilmore Girls (since we're on that subject).

But on a completely different note, I also crave shoes from Seychelles.

And maybe I could wear this dress with one of them...

And now to complete the outfit, I could wear these glasses.

Thats it for now :)


Lauren Monaco said...

james franco!! CUTIE!!!!!!!! can i have him?
also i like the boots. and the dress.

Claire said...

so cute! I want the blue shoes, although I fear my closet would not have enough room.

Meredith said...

hahah that picture is quite sensual. something about the garters. classy!!

IscahMcKrae said...

I like your taste...*smile*

...particularly when it comes to the pasta...and James Dean...and Jess...